D2 oculus vs spirit. war trav 33, skoulders 712 def and 40 mf chances 30fg.
D2 oculus vs spirit Joined: Feb 26 2010. Posts: 2,766. 4 Max sockets by iLvl Max sockets iLvl 1-25: 2 Max sockets iLvl 26-40: 3 Max cresant moon vs spirit sword. It does work. Go Back To D2:R Softcore Ladder Trading Topic List. mana, vitality, and FHR on Spirit, stacking resists/mf on your jewelry (since you are getting FCR from Spirit) against the And that difference can be greatly felt, where as the dmg difference between CMOON and Hoto can not be felt as much for non-immunes. It's a very refined version of the gameplay seen in Disgaea 1 and Disgaea 2, with all of the annoying stuff of Disgaea 3 and Eschuta’s Temper is primarily an offensive-focused orb, having none of the Magic Find or resistances that [The Oculus] boasts. Sort by: Best. The 4 socket crystal sword is relatively easy to find, I got mine in NM cows when solo farming in probably 2-3 hours. Really, kill speed with 250ish mf vs slow and 450 mf is a no brainer Reply reply More replies More replies More replies. Joined: Apr 11 2024. ** Coins. You're better off farming the highest areas you can handle. Oculus. No Uniques had Clvl requirements prior to v1. upvotes Heart of Oak or the Oculus (the teleport proc never bothered me too much). This post was edited by Chaseduo on Oct 1 2021 08:20am It is mentioned because Spirit is the only offhand that gives +2. spirit fhr god tier At a glance, it would seem to be a Sorceress’s dream weapon; +3 to Sorceress Skills, +30% Faster Cast Rate, +20 to Vitality and Energy, All Resistances +20, and +50% Better Chance of Getting Magic Items. Open XR is a new global VR development standard that everyone is supporting now. So basically even if Spirit wont show their best form but keep it from Opening stage there is no chance for Faze (all they need - to stop choking Nuke attack) 2024 Which rune is best for an oculus? Excalipuf 13 years ago #1 ^ Topic I finnaly got one after doing like 150 mephisto runs. 5 Avg) Required Level: None Required Strength: 75 Required Dexterity: 47 Range: 5 Durability: 55 Sockets: 6 Speed: [0] Amazon - Slow Assassin - Normal Barbarian - Normal Druid - Fast Necromancer - Normal Paladin - Normal With the change to cold mastery now meaning its at 1/5 vs sundered immunes, I've seen the idea of using a 1h Doom for the high reduction to enemy cold resistance similar to a self-wield infinity nova sorc. Sadly I don’t have the choice yet in D2R because my rune luck is beyond garbage. Still pretty new to D2 (maybe playing for six weeks) so I am right now looking for some input for where Blizzard would be preferable vs where I would be playing Lightning Sorceress. Gold: 35. Light Armor: 0% stamina drain and speed penalty. I recommend not using a Larzuk quest on it, but if you must, Ist is nice, of course. TravelingJack 13 years ago #2. Dec 29 2024 07:02am. jontron. Edit: currently I am using spirit sword. Basically the original vanilla D2 game or mods like PoD, SlashDiablo etc. a 3 sword = a 3 Skin of the Vipermagi. Top. Expansion Non-Expansion. spirit fhr god tier. Sorceress Orbs will also receive an Auto Mod that can either increase her Life or Mana. I have an unsocketed Monarch that I'm waiting to Larzuk, but I've been waiting to find an Oculus to go with it. Throne and Liberty. The The Oculus has a high chance to drop in (Nightmare Difficulty) Great Marsh area and an even higher chance to drop from farming the (Nightmare Difficulty) Radament (Act 5 d2jsp Forums > Diablo II > Diablo 2 Discussion > Strategy & Guides > Death's Fathom Vs. Xreal Air 2 Pro vs Xreal Air 2 Ultra. GreenZeldaGuy • Phoenix, and i'd never use a faceted crystal sword, since HOTO or Oculus are too good to pass Dude 5/5 cold on Nightwing and 5/5 cold on Death Fanthom with some frost burn or mage fist for Fcr and you could keep the arac for more fcr. Core Gear - 20/5 Nightwing, Spirit, Arachs, Trangs, 2/10 ammy, 2SoJ. The vessel is en route to the port of Tripoli, Libya, sailing at a speed of 1. Magic Leap 2 vs Xreal Air 2 Ultra. Oculus Spirit Sword (post weapon type and fcr) cocomelon. E. The Swirling Crystal is an Exceptional sorceress orb that can only be used by a Sorceress. • Spirit Forge • Duriel's Shell Death's Fathom is a unique Dimensional Shard, an item exclusive to the Sorceress. Spirit until hoto. Posts: 5,048. Good for its large skill boost and resistances, Mara's Kaleidoscope is a safe unique amulet for almost any choice of class. It provides the same benefit as a griffons eye (which I do not have), and was a significant improvement over the former two. My resistances are all at around zero in hell difficulty. I know that they're similar, and the choice between the two depends on my other items, see below, but is Ist and a few mals, then lots of low runes. Posts: 235. BanginCarAudio New member. 25% Chance To Cast Level 1 Teleport When Struck Spirit (Sword base, Tal+Thul+Ort+Amn) +2 To All Skills +25-35% Faster Cast Rate The Quest port has more settings, but it's basically the same as the steam version. Add Reply New Trade New Service New Price Check Or is the teleportation actually helpful? Also, is a Spirit sword better than the Oculus? Diablo 2 Resurrected Forums Is the teleport on struck awkward for Oculus users? General Discussion. Shield: Rune word Spirit. Spirit gives +2 to all skills, which affects 8 skills that increase hammer damage, and plus 2 to Holy Shield so I can put more points in vitality It's a bit unpolished with balance issues and a poor story but it might be my favorite game in the series. Group: Member. Oculus used to be the only way to run meta headsets (rift, rift s, quest). Please register or login. 12 Next. Jan 2 2025 09:42pm. This post was edited by Yggmesil on Oct 2 2023 03:52pm. I'd say it's niche is as a reasonably strong weapon with inherent MF, but it's neither the strongest nor the best MF. 00 #8. I think I recall white was nerfed hard in D2R. oculus vs 3 fgs spirit monarch 35 fcr 105 mana 8 abs vs 75 fgs This post was edited by princekarim on Aug 13 2023 08:08am. Path of Exile. With the right stats you can have infinite invis if you loop it properly, The only options really are Homunculus and a Spirit Monarch. This unique Swirling Crystal really has everything a sorceress could want. And the extra fcr would help me reach the next breakpoint But I'll be sacrificing 40 stat points and +2 skills to equip the wizardspike Share Add a Comment. Occy is ant upgrade of your Spirit weapon, more skills, all res, big MF. 25 #2. Joined: Oct 9 2016. Usually the stat points you save will make up for the loss in skill. If you’re not MFing, silk weave and valk wing should take care of mana problems with mana after every kill oculus x 2 monarch spirit 35% fcr. Jan 1 2025 11:07am. im confused with my If you play a build which uses fire, look for a staff with +3 to fire ball and two sockets to make a "Leaf" rune word. Joined: Feb 14 2022. autopsy23. Occulus is more of a mid tier MF item. Joined: May 29 2022. Roblox. Spirit is an excellent end-game caster Rune Word that can even be used by low-to-middle level characters. Discussion Trying to decide if I want to socket a Stormshield with an um and use it as opposed to Spirit. It's not meant to be set in stone, prices drop drastically from day 1 to day 31. Gold: 59,712. All Resistances +20. Imbarocker. Your resists are nice and the blizz sorc honestly don’t Spirit [C], Death Step [C], Spirit [X] (Look up), Yama [X], Death Step [Z], Spirit [V], Death Step [X] Hard Only hard if you suck, if they are already low by Death Step [Z] use spirit z Spirit [C] [X], Godhuman [Z] [X], Saddi [Z] [X] (very quick swap), The Oculus: BiS weapon for your MF Sorceress, Spirit Ward : Stormshield Jr if you need the Block and Resists. 3 knots and expected to arrive there on Dec 18, 16:00. SPIRIT OF SYNTHOCEPS Exotic / Intrinsic Improves melee damage when you're surrounded. d2jsp Forums > Diablo II > Diablo 2: Resurrected > D2:R Discussion > Pvm Hammerdin Spirit Vs Hoz. Adopt Me. New World. TCL RayNeo X2 vs Viture Pro. Ive used everything else and the Occy is just to damn good to not use Infinity has slightly higher DPS than Crescent Moon vs DClone i personally would use nothing over oculus. Views: 11 Replies: 0 Track Topic. Because of the big boost to the these important bonuses, Heart of the Oak is recommended for any Caster Sorceress. Fenriradramelk 13 years ago #3. 8 (where indicated), and otherwise uses data from Diablo 2 v1. Which one is better for a well rounded sorc & why? Retrovirus. Add Reply New Topic New Poll. This is Hella broken and melts everything for their mf setup. B. Albion Online. 07 D2. Posts: 31,351. Spirit, New To Hammerdin I was wondering which weapon was better for my pally, Wizardspike or Spirit. Google Daydream View. I currently have Smoke armor, Occy, Shako, a +2 crafted ammy, Spirit shield, War Travelers, Magefist/Frostburns, Bul'Kathos and Nigel, and Goldwraper equipped. The best builds, the best gear and the best tactics for player vs monster. t4t I've had a Freelancer for a very long time, it being the second ship I got, and I've always liked the sort of small, 1-2 crew cargo runner style. HOTO largely solves any resistance issues you have, while Oculus gives a great MF bump. Joined: Jun 25 2018. Im level 84 and I've been Having someone who has been playing the game for the last several ladders on D2:LoD give a reasonable breakdown of early ladder prices is useful. I would like to note that Eschuta's is pretty good for a non-rune word item in D2 Quote (Tatavo @ Dec 16 2024 08:59pm) bin. +3 > +2. Clvl Req: Your character must be this level or higher to equip the item. However, The Spirit Shroud has an important modifier not featured on Vipermagi: Cannot be Frozen. Both +2 To All Skills +25-35% Faster Cast Rate (varies) +55% Faster Hit Recovery +250 Defense Vs. 09 player (lvl 99 nova sorc of course) and have no idea if this item is outdated but I am so pumped. Jump forward to this year's IAE, getting to walk through and try out the Spirit. Views: 4796 Replies: 13 Track Topic. Unless you hate the random Overall HOTO is the better option because of res and the oak sage, but eschuta's wins on raw lightning damage especially with a socket and a 5/5 lightning facet. Oculus Rift S. Valheim Genshin Impact Minecraft Pokimane Halo Infinite Call of Duty: Warzone Path of Exile Hollow Knight: Wizardspike is a great caster weapon that is a cheap alternative to Heart of the Oak. Posts: 8,745. cta/spirit switch If you play with inv full of skillers in p8 games, this is better: crescent moon + viper rbf + mage If you can get a 2skill 17+fcr amu, this is even better: Swirling Crystal. cantero. . I. Go Back To D2 The Oculus is an exceptional Unique Sorceress Weapon with an item level of 50 and a Character Level requirement of 42. Diablo 2 Resurrected (Diablo 2 Remastered) is the remastered version of Diablo II and its expansion, Diablo II: Lord of Destruction. The Oculus Modifiers. Weapon Swap: Call to Arms and Spirit; Shield: Spirit Monarch Shield with 35% Faster Cast Rate The Oculus vs 5fg Death Web 1+skills / -42 vs 9fg String of ears - 170 ED / 8 LL / 15 Damage Reduce / 10 MDR) vs 49fg This post was edited by TrueSide on Jan 3 2025 03:59am. Gold: 10,515. For PvM go the 125 FCR HoZ route. There are 3 important benefits coming from Wizardspike: You get both +5 Skill levels (just like hoto+spirit) and up to -20% enemy fire res (only 8 less than Phoenix). Posts: 130. Gold: 275. Thanks! BrianPeppers. Open comment sort options. TalThulOrtAmn Tal (7) + Thul (10) + Ort (9) + Amn (11) Shields & Swords {4} Clvl Required: 25. Sort by: I'm running like 334 MF with around 120ish FCR using occy, tal rasha belt, amulet and armor with treks, spirit shield, nagel, and another FCR Magic find ring Pretty useful for quick tele and quicker ice blast Stand alone together. Open VR/steamVR and windows mixed reality were the other option for non oculus headsets. Since am playing a max block build - 75% block atm with bone shield Rhyme at clvl 77, is it worth to use oculus instead of spirit sword? Cheers! occu has mf, use it till you get Currently, I'm running Spirit sword and Rhyme, and it works fairly well. Toggle All Sections. Joined: May 26 2007. Add The Oculus is a unique Swirling Crystal found in Diablo 2 Resurrected. but basically The Oculus comes very, very close to being a weapon like [Titan’s Revenge] - a midtier weapon with endgame stats. 0 coins. Reason-2425 October 22, 2021, 1:31am 12. Gold: 3,138. Weapon Swap: Call to Arms and Spirit; Shield: Spirit Monarch Shield with 35% Faster Cast Rate HoZ vs spirit is I think +4 vs +2 with fcr. World of Warcraft. 1-handed and 2-handed hammers do not count as maces for making this Rune Word. Helm: Harlequin Crest. Share. Heavy Armor: +10% stamina drain and speed penalty. The problem with D2 prices is that the market as we know it going to be irrelevant The price for a Jah on West ladder rn vs a Jah on West ladder when D2R comes out are in no way shape or form going to ever be equal Bots have oversaturated the D2 economy But D2R seems to be heavily fortified against hacking compared to earlier Diablo games I might be wrong about the hacking The current position of VS SPIRIT is at East Mediterranean reported 19 days ago by AIS. Posts: 5,315. Joined: Sep 25 2022. You see, while the original Quest adopted a dark grey colour scheme to possibly mark it out as a more serious piece of The Diablo 2 Resurrected Database, Markeplace, and Community. Gold: 20,360. Spirit is usually better but you can put a jewel or rune in Homunculus to customize it more. A bit glass-cannon-y tho, but it’s not a problem for the druid with all his pets. Right now I am playing a Level 90 Sorc. Rokid Max Pro vs Viture Pro. Gold: 270. Weapon: The Oculus socketed with Ist Rune, or Death's Fathom socketed with Ist Rune; The Oculus has more Magic Find, Death's Fathom has more damage. That was d2 lod tho. I've got a +3 bone spear 2os bone wand ready for dol io. Diablo 4. Meta Quest 3 Same, this dude probably played a modded D2 client for the last year and forgot what actual Diablo 2 was like. Diablo 2: Resurrected. Joined: Jan 26 2024. I’m interested in using an Oculus over a Spirit sword, but I worry that the teleportation when struck makes On nightmare you can farm yourself a double spirit. I tested the 3pc set up with shako/oculus vs full tals and quite honestly I like the full tals more. 2024-06-01 11:23 1 open socket oculus vs 7fg This post was edited by GnomeChompski on Dec 30 2024 12:46am. it makes you decent, and is Weapon: The Oculus socketed with Ist Rune, or Death's Fathom socketed with Ist Rune; The Oculus has more Magic Find, Death's Fathom has more damage. The only drawback is that the Spirit. I'm testing both currently and spirit seems to offer stats that make no difference. Details. Best. Even playing my Quest 2 on my PCVR, the PSVR2 looks and plays better especially when you factor in the value the PSVR2 brings vs what is needed to match on a PC. Oct 13 2021 08:59am. oculus x 2 monarch spirit 35% fcr. It leaves you with two empty ring slots, boots of your choosing as I've been using The Oculus, but now I have the runes to make a HotO. Spirit Sword (post fcr and weapon type) Oculus. Or maybe I was just enjoying the game and thinking sets and uniques looked cool without min-maxing everything Spirit shields can be beat in slot though. Medium Armor: +5% stamina drain and speed penalty. FHR high mana Spirit is king. Dec 30 2024 12:46am. Skitzum1. The stats were just stats, other items like Spirit and HOTO were comparable. GnomeChompski. Spirit. Note that 'Non-Expansion' means 'Pre-LoD in Resurrected' or 'Non-Expansion character in Resurrected' - this is different to Legacy (which refers to versions of Diablo 2 other than Resurrected). Spirit (33% or better) + Occy gets you to the breakpoint, and then you can use: shako skullders chance guard war travs but grailing is my main goal in d2, so this investment didn't hurt me at all. Occy drops pretty frequently so if you hunt for a day or so you can hopefully get one without having to trade for it. these 12 small charms have same inventory size as 4 skillers. Arachnid Mesh is an amazing belt though, and even with my The veto is gonna be interesting, ancient is vita's first ban and spirit first pick, and vertigo would likely be vita's first pick against spirit, but with the update I doubt they will pick it. Mana Heart of the Oak can be made in any grey 4-socket mace or staff. If you want to Wizardspike is a unique Bone Knife from Diablo II. Nov 23 2023 01:29pm. Add Reply New Topic. Oculus all day. BIN Kira's Guardian (67/62) I wouldn't even consider unequipping my spirit sword for an Eschuta's. If your main build won't use Spirit and won't hit the Str Req, you would use one of the other shields mentioned for the +1. This can make the Shroud a preferable choice for pseudo-casters reliant upon Attack Speed, such as Javazons, Frostmaidens, and Trappers. An Alternative for Magic Find focussed Sorceresses is The Oculus, which gives less Faster Case Rate and All Resistances, Since I use a 35% Spirit, Oculus, Ormus' Robes, and Trang's when I'm Blizz spec I don't need more FCR so I use Snowclash. Its high resistance bonus makes it particularly useful for counteracting the -100 penalty in hell difficulty, and 50% faster cast rate can make hitting that A Poleaxe is a Two-handed Normal polearm. 420ReDeYeZ. runeword Call To Arms on the swap in combination with a shield Spirit is an excellent end-game caster shield and mid-game weapon Runeword. Oculus Quest. I had scenarios (legacy D2) where I needed the 10% more FCR from hoto to make the breakpoint or wanted the MF from the Oculus. I used it until mid-hell until I switched to the "The Oculus" and "Spirit" combination. RUKOOL. Runescape. The results may be searched, d2jsp Forums > Diablo II > Diablo 2: Resurrected > D2:R Softcore Ladder Trading > FT > Oculus. Is 10% faster cast rate and the extra res worth it, or should I stick with the Oculus which has a nice bonus to vitality and MF? Share Add a Comment. Mar 14 2024 07:01am. Unlike Eschuta's Temper, the boost to Cold Skill damage is a true 15-30% increase to overall cold Go with Spirit shield with the goal to eventually get HOTO or Oculus. Unless your alibaba has 2 ist in it, oculus wins all the time for mf, a rhyme shield in offhand maybe Hoto provides more fcr and more all resist, so it’s good when you farm runes or base items for runewords, when mf is totally unnecessary Maybe I played more regular D2 before LOD than I remember. Worth it to "Ist" your Oculus? I made a Blizz sorc for AT running. So the Zeus is going to cost a 40% more, 50$ basically a full game or a Cutter Scout. Recone610. Its damage output is low, but its bonuses are purely spell based: a large boost to Mana, Faster Cast Rate, Mana Spirit Shroud Black Hades Moser's Gladiator's Bane (159/16/17) Dwarf Star (12) String of Ears (159/6/12/15) Nature's Peace Goldwrap (50/60) Oculus Magefist (23) Sandstorm Trek (13/10/52) Kira's Guardian (67/62) Crown of Thieves. Posts: 806. ; Range: Goes from 1 (least) to 5 (most), and is identical for all melee weapon types. 1 year ago. Gold: 0. At a glance, it would seem to be a Sorceress’s dream weapon; +3 to Sorceress Skills, +30% Faster Cast Rate, The Oculus is a unique Swirling Crystal, exclusively used by Sorceresses. Posts: 33,245. Spirit is good enough for now, but should not be your end-goal. It's obviously not as good as +2 but +1 is better than +0. Add Reply New Trade New Service New Price Check. Gold: 43. 09 No Uniques had Clvl requirements prior to v1. Posts: 3,507. Guests cannot view or vote in polls. Instantly search, filter, or sort Diablo 2 Resurrected items, skills, monsters, NPCs, and quests. Gold: 3,128. Same with Visuals, you can't just cast aside the obvious advantage the PSVR 2 has, being tethered to the PS5. Posts: 178. Reply d2jsp Forums > Diablo II > Archives > D2:R Softcore Ladder 2022+ > ISO > N Shako Oculus Monarch Spirit. Two Hand Damage: 18 - 39 (28. Pseudoitem for Spirit sets / packs - for rerolling. Don’t just kill Meph. if monesy havent had a highlight of the year on anubis if niko didnt hit 3 deagle kills on mirage a site if magixx didnt die to hunter like 3 times in a row on b site mirage as i saw hunter plays no respect vs spirit, always doing pushes and ballsy plays. Although The Oculus has higher resistances and magic find than Death's Fathom, Death's Fathom is popular among Sorceresses that specialize in Cold Spells due to its boost to Cold Skill damage. And no one is shaming people for recommending building Spirit on Crystal Swords, I'm saying it makes absolutely no sense to discard the possibility of building Spirit on a Broad Sword precisely because natural equipment goals Earth Spirit. I have two setups Blizzard: Shako, Tals Amulet, Tals Armor, Tals Belt, Oculus, Spirit Monarch, Chance Guards, Nagelring Poll > Phoenix Vs Spirit Javazon > D2:R. It can be equipped only by a Sorceress character. 09), The Oculus provides a large boost to all Sorceress skills, resistances, cast rate, Energy, and magic find, So I was farming Andy + Meph NM and happened to find Oculus. 15ED /11 dura spirit mon 35 fcr / 107 mana = 130fg. a 3 sword = a 3 spear = a 3 hammer. Hard to give up 35 fcr and 2+skills but 35% dr sounds clutch. 70 FCR and +200-300 Mana and 4 skills. 50 #3. Belt: Arachnid Mesh / A Halberd is a Two-handed Normal polearm. Thanks! Share Add a Comment. Oculus - 10fg Monarch 0s -2fg This post was edited by Alexijs on Jan 1 2025 11:18am. However, I've found it rather claustrophobic even after it's resizing. I prefer Death's Fathom. For all my other MF characters, I just switch to Gull+Rhyme for the last hit since Forums. Ghiron-1487 October 21, 2021, 10:58pm 7. TCL RayNeo X2 vs Xreal Air 2 Ultra. Mar 14 2024 06:34am. Found in NM in Worldstone lvl 3. This is the subreddit for the Elden Ring gaming community. sebo155555. Kinda goes RW Spirit< occulus< hoto/ deaths fathom. Oculus vs 5 fg here. Spirit weapon is an outstanding middleman that bridges you too those Eschuta's Temper is the best DPS option for Lightning or Fire based Sorceresses. 00 #1. Add Reply New Trade New Service New Price Check Tals is great for mf and blizz sorc but the true best pvm will be a light sorc rocking CoH, HoTO, spirit, arachs, magefist, griffons w light facet also utilizing a merc w infinity. Meta Quest 3. Game Mode. Viture Pro vs Xreal Air 2 Ultra. Stats One-Hand-Damage: 18 To 42 (30 avg) Crescent Moon is a Runeword recipe created by combining shael + um + tir into a 3 socket axe, polearm or sword. With this a stealth armor and a few fcr rings/amu you should be able to run through hell. Premium Powerups Explore Gaming. Microsoft HoloLens. Tal 's has never been an ideal endgame choice but shines as a comparatively easy to get exceptionally well rounded intro to late game as the stats are quite solid (albeit certainly not the best), both offensively and defensively, while adding a good bit of MF at the same time to aid in farming for the true endgame solutions. Pure Premium. Eschuta's Temper is a unique Eldritch Orb, an item exclusive to the Sorceress. Reply reply Griffon's Eye, you are already bringing their resistances down to -60. fuck that teleport. So, you would have to calculate what +2 to skills would add to your trap damage plus however highly you value also having +2 to all your other skills plus Wizardspike is a Unique Bone Knife in Diablo 2 Resurrected (D2R). MODIFIED 10/7/2024; DECLASSIFIED 6/10/2024; ADDED 6/3/2024; Tags All Oculus wants you to enjoy its very impressive take on virtual reality, but only after confusing you a bit. If Ebugged (legacy D2 only): Defense: 325. Gold: 6. carcinogen-31292 July 29, 2022, 8:34am 3. It's not THAT rare and you'll get one eventually if you MF. Noticeable strength/life boost, and versatility that 2 open sockets provide, make this armor useful option until you obtain even better chest gear. Joined: Nov 15 2021. The randomly teleporting was unique to Oculus. Range: Goes from 1 (least) to 5 (most), and is identical for all melee weapon types. Joined: Nov 1 2008. Reddit's #1 spot for Pokémon GO™ discoveries and research. Oct 9 2016 02:00pm. Ist’d Wizspike with a 35 FCR spirit shield solves almost of your resistance and FCR problems, which allows for some fun and budget gear elsewhere as long as you also have an infinity. People don't rate the teleport chance on Occy but it's MF and skills and I have the runes to make a Hoto, but I Am wondering, should I make one or would an occy or just keep using my Spirit sword / Alibaba be best for my MF firewall / Orb sorc? i personally would use nothing over oculus. Wizardspike's +75 to resists is what is most tempting, as well as its 50% faster cast rate and tons of mana. Body Armor: Skin of the Vipermagi. Joined: Aug 3 2022. Gloves: Magefist / Chance Guards. Rokid Max Pro vs Xreal Air 2 Ultra. Min max us so so different. This elite Dagger has a quality level of 69 and a treasure class of 60. Sort by: I have keys: of Destructoin 2 of Hate 2 of Terror 1 Need The Oculus + Shield Sprirt (33-35)% You can give change in runes. Fortunately Eschuta’s Temper also lacks the random chance to teleport its wielder that its aforementioned midtier Same for Spirit but they have much less downgrade from IEM. Snowclash : Another Classic D2 item, but sadly only rarely used by Blizz Sorcs. New. It shows the latest data from Resurrected v2. OR if you are poor dual spirit is still viable. 1H damage: 18-42 Base speed: 10 Durability: 50 Req level: 42 Quality level: 50 Treasure class: 51 +3 To Sorceress Skill Levels +5 To Mana After Each Kill Spirit is the rune word 'TalThulOrtAmn' for swords or shields in Diablo II: Lord of Destruction. But yeah, looking solely at per-cast It is mentioned because Spirit is the only offhand that gives +2. 66 #1. Popular AR comparisons. The Oculus : what a great item ! Skills, fcr, life, mana, mf. vs. Add Reply New Topic Trade Diablo II: Resurrected Items on Traderie, a peer to peer marketplace for Diablo II: Resurrected players. CMoon or Hoto. Generally I build my Sorcs around the 105/117 A fair trade would be four keys from her for an Oculus. Contents. Also, Oculus is good but it's not that much better than a Spirit sword, and it's definitely not best in slot. Damage: 18 - 42 (30 Avg) Level Requirement: 37 Strength Requirement: None Dexerity Requirement: None Durability: 50 Sockets: 3 Magic Level: 1 Normal Attack Speed [10] Quality Level: 50 If combined with a Spirit shield, you gain +5 to All Skills, up to 75% Faster Cast Rate, and high elemental resistances. Two Hand Damage: 12 - 45 (28. I could wear Smoke instead of Spirit Shroud for the 20fhr, but then I'd miss out the extra skill point, so in terms of +skill, it's an +-0. Reply reply sixspots If d2 locations were real life, I'd think act3 is the scariest. Swap Gear (both hit 105fcr) - S1: Fathom + so ist’ed oculus has 80 mf, which is almost equal to around 12 x 7mf (=84 mf) small charms. Item Level: Chests and monsters must be at least this level to drop the item. go infinity merc / spirit shield if u want PVP defence vs melee's go Stormshield if u want PVE and u don't need to teleport (chaos-baal), go JMOC 30/30 - 10/-10 In this Diablo 2 Resurrected guide, we are searching for The Oculus - this is a powerful mid and even end game sorceress item giving a +30% faster cast rate, +3 sorcerer's skill levels, +20 to vitality, +20 to energy, +20 to all resistances and even +50 better chance of finding magic D2R items. Joined: Jun 3 2009. COH, Spirit Monarch, Magefists, 2x Soj, Arach, War Trav (Weapon swap CTA/Spirit) Merc: Infinity, Fortitude, Andarials Visage You hit the lightning breakpoint, and will absolutely destroy everything. Views: 3485 Replies: 10 Track Topic. Posts: 442. So in PvP spirit is imo superior. Bump. 1 Notes; 2 Key; 3 v1. Maddy-21505 May 23, 2022, 2:09pm #1. Member. I have one with -17% LR and +16% Lightning damage. So, the Crescent Moon is going to decrease their resistance to -95%, which is about a 22% increase in total damage dealt. Even then tbh it's still a very tight match vs. Not Craftable DOES stack with similar mods Introduced in Season 24; Can't be Equipped; API ID: 1476923956; Version History. Depends on rings ammys and, the actual biggest thing in Diablo 2, is it fun? If you feel better with a different build or play style, you shouldn't play differently. Right questiin would be: Curious what everyone uses on their PvM light sorc for solo mfing. If you socket the helmet with 2x Shael you still get less FHR and life than with spirit. Eschuta is totally uselss, like Oculus. A definite improvement over The Oculus allows you to hit 105% FCR exactly with 3 Tal pieces, Shako (no FCR of course), Spirit Shield and Magefists. Group: Member Most people suggest spirit or SS, but I’ve been thinking about trying mosers with 2x facets for a while now to be able to get max block and that huge damage increase (should be more than +2 skills from spirit). I would go ormus with 5/5 cold but I rather have CoH for more resist cuz sorc gets wiped pretty fast if you tele into a mob. Posts: 14,316. Charms torch, anni, sunder, 6 skillers, gheeds. this raises my question, what is stronger: echutas or oculus with 4 skillers to remain same magicfind ? Echutas vs oculus. Price comparison. A place for all Iron gamemodes to share their journey and information with others! Join us at discord. Jan 3 2025 03:09am. The Oculus is a Unique Swirling Crystal in Diablo 2 Resurrected (D2R). Remove All Ads. It's fairly inexpensive (considering the skill bonus) and is often rolled many times to get 35% Faster Cast Rate. You lack resistances (but that rune word has 33% cold resist) but with that staff your fire skills are really overpowered. Q&A [deleted] The Oculus is a good option as a general sorc weapon with mf, and you can also socket it with an Ist if you want. gg/ironscape for more community content including weekly events, bi-weekly skill competitions, and seasonal team competitions. Go Back To D2:R Softcore Ladder Doing a ssf nec and watched some guides from llama who recommends white over spirit for pnb walkthrough (which I'm doing). Understandably. When you are teleporting around the map and end up in a big group of enemies, and they all start smacking I was a D2 1. Joined: Nov 8 2006. As most maces have a maximum of 3 sockets, only Flails, Knouts, and Scourges can be used to make a Diablo 2 Resurrected The Oculus is a Unique Swirling Crystal. I think HoZ is more of a melee shield really. kocx. shako, oculus, sunder charm, etc, +12 to skills and 63% FCR. Path of Exile 2. 50 #2. I got an Occy yesterday in Nightmare Throne of Destruction from trash mobs (not Baal’s minions). And that’s just in d2r, in D2 I killed him ofer 400,000 times and he never dropped occy. Alexijs. Arach + occy + monarch + magefist/trangs = 105% And Spirit 25-30FCR Chance Guards 25-34MF The Oculus. occr 5fg rune swd spirit 35fcr 10fg broad or long swd think 34fcr 5fg Go Back To D2:R Softcore Trading Topic List. . Due to its large variety of potential rolls, one with +3 Sorceress Less uniques can drop in NM chaos vs hell areas. The monarch shield (the shield you basically have to go for when making spirit shield for a caster, as its got the lowest strength requirement out of any 4 socket shield at 156 strength) is tougher to find, especially when you first get to hell and are super squishy. I. Posts: 22,215. Seems like hydra is a special kind of summon that works Weapon: The Oculus. Views: 34 Replies: 4 Track Topic. 14 LoD. Mara's Kaleidoscope Amulet Required Level: 67 +2 To All oculus vs 10 fg goldvrap x3 vs 5 fg each 2x tal belt 10,11 mf vs 2 fg each full sigons vs 15 fg full sigons no shield vs 10 fg lidless x2 vs 3 fg each ' 27 junk jewels vs 10 fg eth scythe vs 10 fg 20x blue essence vs 5 fg (total) barb torch 19/10 vs 10 fg necro torch 14/19 vs 10 fg cold skiller vs 10 fg goblin toe 54 ed vs 5 fg Go Back To D2:R Softcore Ladder Trading Topic List. As surmised from its name, Wizardspike is spellcaster oriented. Posts: 58. The Oculus Base stats. NB These are the perfect values possible for a level 99 character. Elden Ring is an action RPG which takes place in the Lands Between, sometime after the Shattering of the titular Elden Ring. 4 Diablo 2 Resurrected !FRANCAIS - https://youtu. The Oculus has the Obsession, Spirit Oculus, Eschuta and Death Fathom, I tell you the best ones for your Sorceress in ladder 2. E. The vessel VS SPIRIT The Spirit is going to be close to the cutlass and the freelancer base (about 125$) while the Zeus CL place is between the MAX and the Taurus, both in cargo capacity and price (about 175$). Oculus is an obvious choice if you are using spirit weapon. Add Reply New Topic **The Oculus subreddit, a place for Oculus fans to discuss VR. 4d1k. DeadByPoison2. I think eventually oculus SDK and openVR will go away and open XR will be the only default option. Spirit Oculus Swirling Crystal +3 To Sorceress Skill Levels +5 To Mana After Each Kill. What are some of the factors I should consider to decide between these options? For a pure light sorc that is. Old. On Quest, the game automatically loads the next part of the level, whereas the steam version makes you walk back to the middle of your playspace and pick up a triangle before loading the next part of the level to prevent getting tangled in wires. Bin 1 gul. The Oculus has the following modifiers: +3 To Sorceress Skill Levels +5 To Mana After Each Kill All Resistances +20 25% Chance To Cast Level 1 Teleport When Struck +30% Faster Cast Rate +20 To Vitality +20 To Energy +20% Enhanced Defense 50% Better Chance Of Getting Magic Items . Lightning and fire res are most Spirit vs Stormshield . Other headsets by Oculus. g. This is a searchable, filterable, sortable database of all Diablo 2 Resurrected Uniques. It is fairly inexpensive considering the +2 to All Skills bonus that comes with it. Oc The main subreddit for everything related to Diablo II: Resurrected. I tend to use hoto though because I consider the Ocu teleport proc as rather annoying. Want to farm chaos and different zones. Go Back To D2:R Softcore Ladder 2022+ Topic List. It's like the second best caster weapon for most builds and it's one of the few items that one can easily farm early in the game. Try not to have - 75 resists on hell get them higher than 0. Any tips would be appreciated. poke2650. If you don't take key T+H+D Here's the other thing the Oculus does though, there's an equal amount of times when enemies surround you and you might have died normally without it but it teleports you out of the group too, I had my ass saved by Oculus a lot more times than it killed me I'll tell you that. Many players confirmed that - fire res from flickering flame also works. General Discussion. by tizzle » 1 year ago » in Forums. My only other high rune word is an amazing Exile for my smiter Uber killer (I’m still amazed I found the runes and base in my first few weeks of playing-although now I wish I made a Call To Arms instead) I still want to get an Infinity, Grief, Enigma, cta, you know the usuals, so I’ve still got a long way to go. Posts: 998. Suicide Branch : If not for Spirit dominating in Graviton has the most invis uptime but Omni is the most useful when playing with other people. With a more consistent boost to Sorceress skills and a high magic find, The Oculus may seem like a safer choice for a unique sorceress weapon. SnowTiger-1618 November 28, 2021, 8:40pm 1. Depends how much Magic Find you want to run vs. If you socket it with life you lose butloads of FHR which will nail you down in PvP. (+30) mf vs extra fcr and res. 200 FCR is definitely fun. Gold: 5,649. ISO > ### Need Oculus And Spirit Sword ### Add Reply New Trade New Service New Price Check. Spirit sword isn't that far off. Reply reply I found my oculus a couple weeks ago in hell river of flame (low MF). I do not want to lose out on 55 fhr, 50 mana, 50 life for a meager damage increase. This exceptional Sorceress Orb has a quality level of 50 and a treasure class of 51. kill speed. he doesnt respect the kids it looks like Complete PVM guide for Diablo 2 Resurrected (and D2 Leagacy). Ximik. Lf Ditta D2 Oculus (C1165403) is Lot 7 and will be selling at the 2023 Lone Star Beefmaster Breeders Association Fall Sale on December 2, 2023, at 10:00 am. 00 #2. Use spirit until you find your own oculus. GAMES . Defense: 413-443 Durability: 20 Req Strength: 104 Req level: 67 Quality level: 75 Treasure class: 78 +170-190% Enhanced Defense +1-2 To Druid Skill Levels +20% Faster Hit Recovery +10% To Maximum Poison Resist Posted by u/[Deleted Account] - 2 votes and 35 comments The Spirit Shroud is an exceptional Unique Body Armor with an item level of 36 and a Character Level requirement of 28. The Silph Road is a grassroots network of trainers whose communities span the globe and hosts resources to help trainers learn about the game, find communities, and hold in Kinda depends on the rest of your equipment. 5 Avg) Required Level: None Required Strength: 62 Required Dexterity: None Range: 4 Durability: 65 Sockets: 5 Speed: [10] Amazon - Slow Assassin - Spirit Forge can prove useful for your character or his mercenary during nightmare difficulty, especially if it dropped early-nm. Views: 364 Replies: 33 Track Topic. After the initial joy of finally looting smth useful i noticed that I'd lose a whopping 55% fhr. Reply reply Abstract702 • Hoto, enigma, 35fcr spirit pally shield, shako, arachnids, wartravs, trang gloves, +2 skills 10frc amulet, random raven and 4x3 Key Set - 20fg OR Unid Torch Unid Arach - 15fg 5os PB - 5fg ; 2 Left Ele Skiller w/ 7FRW - 20fg Oculus - 5fg Anni's 14/16/8 - 5fg 19/13/8 - 5fg Wizardspike vs. Dec 29 2024 07:01am. Ilvl is used in gambling, sales and other calculations as well. That item is the bandage patching up d2's often horrendous early to mid itemization for most of the builds people run untwinked. Meta Quest 3S vs Oculus Quest 2. Gold: 11,764. Other headsets by Mara's Kaleidoscope is a unique amulet from Diablo II. by Wolfie83 » 1 The main subreddit for everything related to Diablo II: Resurrected. 12 3 4 Next. It is a Ladder only runeword in Lord of Destruction, but is available for all players in Diablo II D2R Fire Sorceress Spirit vs Phoenix . Views: 79 Replies: 8. The only other thing might be if some incredibly godly rare head dropped with absolutely perfect mods on it, but that’s not realistic. dannywanghere. 9 Replies 6620 Views Last post by knightfall1985. Missile +22 The Oculus Swirling Crystal is an exceptional unique item with level requirement of 42 and Quality Level of 50. Gold: Oculus vs 5 Fg Butcher's Pupil 180 Ed vs 5 Fg Belts: String of Ears 7/157/14/11 vs 5 Fg Boots: Goblin Toe vs 5 Fg Gloves: Bloodfist 19 Ed vs 5 Fg Set Items: Ik Gloves vs 3 Fg Ik Belt vs 3 Fg Sigon Shield vs 2 Fg Aldur Weapon vs 2 Fg Charms: Annihilus 19/18/6 vs 20 Fg Jewels: Rbf Psn 5/4 Up (Purple) vs 10 Fg Go Back To D2:R Softcore Ladder Trading Topic And if we are, RE8 and GT7 would win by themselves. 01 #2. Players must explore and A regular monarch with 4 average lightning facets are better than spirit or Stormshield. Go Back To D2:R I just sorta think its funny that the whole appeal of the Oculus in D2 was its really amazing stats FCR, +Skills, mana on kill, vit, energy, ED, all res, huge MF for a great weaponEXCEPT the fact that it teleported. Go I have average gear, e. Anyone running meph on hc and using occy is playing russian roulette every time they do blind tp. Controversial. There are 4 important Trying to farm specific uniques isn't a great strategy. war trav 33, skoulders 712 def and 40 mf chances 30fg. It is often socketed with the appropriate Rainbow Facet for more damage. chance guards 27mf 5fg. The maximum is -100. The first unique orb (and the only one with Patch 1. new Used Rent Accessories. lqy cdtmy jibgboed osxs qhwy btyfzg wdgdhae qgbpe xxj poths