Uilabel drawtext - (void)drawRect:(CGRect)rect { CGContextRef context = UIGraphicsGetCurrentContext(); // let the superclass draw the label normally [super drawRect:rect]; CGContextConcatCTM(context, CGAffineTransformMake(1 I'm trying to figure out a way to get a background color of a UILabel to draw only where text is present. textColor: UIColor! // get or set the color of the text on the label; UILabel. 0 @IBInspectable var borderColor : UIColor = UIColor. Custom Text Drawing with drawText(in rect: CGRect): If the first method couldn't solve your problem, fret not! Here's another powerful technique that involves subclassing UILabel and customizing the text drawing process. The label has a background set so just changing its origin won't do the trick. , right: rightInset ) } } override func drawText(in rect: CGRect) { super. My point in it was that with longer text, the UILabel would expand in size. does not resize. 0)) } } You might try that, and then jiggle the numbers and other details so they look like what you want. Draws the label’s text, or its shadow, in the specified rectangle. zero; }} I am trying to vertically align the text in the UILabel view of my app. background2 textAlignment = . The problem is that I want the text to be vertically aligned to the top and the size of the label to be 280 x 150. Follow edited May 23, 2017 at 12:31. ios, I got the same test result as you described in question, to fit this problem, maybe you should set height manually according to the text content. sizeWithAttributes(attributes) // y: Add font. 3 final class PriceLabel: UILabel { override func drawText(in rect: CGRect) { guard let attributedText = The problem was that my UILabel had a width set by autolayout, and this width wasn't set until the parent container was laid out. - (void)drawRect:(CGRect)theRect{ CGRect rect = self. swift. Subclasses that use technologies such as Core Graphics and UIKit to draw their view’s content should override this method and implement their drawing code there. " Share. But I provide it just for the sake of demonstration and consider that placing UILabel in the container and making proper constraints will be a proper solution for this task. 0 override func drawText(in rect: CGRect) {let insets = UIEdgeInsets. class VerticalAlignedLabel: UILabel { override func drawText(in rect: CGRect) { var newRect = rect switch contentMode { case . If you want to make a drop shadow with what you just drew into the context, you should be able to use: Before. attributedText with a customized paragraph style, but nothing I adjust there seems to mitigate the problem. You signed in with another tab or window. For this I use the attributedText property in UILabel and a NSAttributedString I alloc with NSHTMLTextDocumentType. A value of 'off' is equivalent to false, and 'on' is equivalent to true. Everything appears correctly as long as I don't change the lineBreakMode. inset(by: Simply assign this paragraph style to your UILabel's attributed text, and voila! You're done! 🎯. I initially thought of doing this using layer. rufy August 1, 2019, 1:04pm 1. CGRect -> unit Parameters. Contribute to qdtroy/DuiLib_Ultimate development by creating an account on GitHub. drawText(in: rect. I will start with the padding bit. . Here is on that works for me: @IBDesignable class TopAlignedLabel: UILabel { override func drawTextInRect(rect: CGRect) { if let stringText = text { let stringTextAsNSString = stringText as NSString var labelStringSize = I have created a subclass of UILabel to change the alignment/position of the text inside my UILabels but the text is always top aligned. It is explained here: Adding padding manually to a UILabel? How to actually reliably add damned padding to a UILabel. An object that displays an editable text area in your interface. You switched accounts on another tab or window. cgColor layer. class UILabel. I have a problem with UILabel subclass cutting off text in the bottom. (smileImageView) self. Because you're working with rotated views, you need to implement hit-testing. This is the code for my subclassing UILabel: position: Rectangle on the screen to use for the label. 0 @IBInspectable var rightInset: CGFloat = 7. contentView layoutIfNeeded]; // labelsCollection is an IBOutletCollection of my UILabel sublasses for (UILabel *label in self. borderColor = [UIColor blackColor Create a UILabel, Number of Lines, Set Font, Text Color, Size to fit, Background Color, Text alignment, Calculate Content Bounds (for i. Now it will give warning, Click on the yellow arrow. 0, dy: 5. The text within each of these labels are static. text: String? // get or set the text the label displays; UILabel. If you want rounded label with background color, in addition to most of the other answers, you need to set layer's background color as well. THLabel respects (unlike UILabel) the contentMode property, which is used for vertical alignment. sharedInstance. descender, right: 0))) Above code cuts descender even though center vertically, how can I center text vertically Use a UIImageView to display your image and add a UILabel as the subview of UIImageView. iOS : How to force UILabel to draw a text with upper case chars? [ Gift : Animated Search Engine : https://bit. You signed out in another tab or window. how to make the tableviewcell auto update height. Once it is in there, you can start working with it by adding filters and whatnot. bounds; //text label UILabel * pText = [[UILabel alloc] initWithFrame: rect]; pText. 1 1 1 silver badge. tintColor: UIColor! // get The code below does what you want (Create new LiveView playground and paste it). Glorfindel. label. Final code : public override UIView GetViewForFooter(UITableView tableView, nint section) { var lbl = new PaddedLabel() { Lines = 0, // Text = TitleForFooter(tableView, section), // or use some other text here Text = "Select or I have tried with it on Swift 4. San Francisco (Apple's system font) uses two distinct variants of its font depending on the text size. With a slew of customizable properties ranging from fonts to When the font assigned to UILabel, or the attributed string it is rendering, contains all the glyphs that will be rendered, and that font has good metrics as most system fonts do, then nothing will be clipped. UILabel { override func drawText(in rect:CGRect) { //hello guard let labelText = text else { return super. Here is my code UILabel *label = [[UILabel alloc]initWithFrame:CGRectMake(10, 50, 300, 50)]; label. Move the second one over the first based on where the first one's text ends. Does anyone have any idea why UILabel. This example shows how you can draw a graph with rotated text. 22. I want to get chat bubble view,but I can't make it neat to me. ShadowOffset; UIColor textColor = UIColor. The below code snippet in Swift will create a new attributed UILabel doesn’t directly support this, and the most common way to get around it is to embed the UILabel inside a UIView, and control the constraints that way. miter), I found the "PingFang TC" font most closely resembles the desired output. 0 } } Tencent Cloud Chat features a comprehensive suite of solutions including global access, one-to-one chat, group chat, message push, profile and relationship chain hosting, and account authentication I have created this UILabel subclass. For ios:. cornerRadius You can use a mask. It supports the contentVerticalAlignment peoperty as it is a subclass of UIControl. I only asked about the font size because I was trying to boil the example down - I figured if I could change the font's size I could also change it's fill and stroke and their colors for the outline text I need. subviews) { float widthLabel = labels. inset(by:) with my insets, then I'm getting the message that UIEdgeInsets isn't convertible to CGRect. You have to set its userInteractionEnabled to NO to the solution provided by @DanielQ works on iOS, but there is something wrong with xamarin. To know how Here, I am trying to have a label with some padding (left, right, top and bottom) around the text. Follow answered Oct 14, 2013 at 19:49. shadowOffset = CGSize(width: 5. Adjust the inset values according to your requirements. addAttributed() } override func drawText(in rect: CGRect) { let insets = UIEdgeInsets(top: 0, left: There are several examples on how to create a Top Aligned label in Swift. I need to create a custom UILabel to display some dynamic multiline text. Reload to refresh your session. UILabel moves the baseline and the text itself relative to the baseline, while UITextView's baseline stay on the same place and only the text is moved. On the Internet, many people suggest using UITextView to be able to have padding in your text, because It is an subclass of UILabel that draw strike text if you set the strikeColor property. But every solution I've found seems like a nasty hack. Drawing a text with stroke has a slightly different character glyph width than drawing a text without stroke, which can produce "uncentered" results. font = UIFont(name I am struggling with fitting text into a UILabel. Viewed 42k times 11 . frame = CGRect(x: 20, y: 20, width: 200, height: 20) Underline Text on UILabel. To explain how this all works, I'll start by giving you a simple example, then explain how the various components fit together, I'm trying to create a bordered UILabel on iOS. The most popular solution in native Objective-C apps is overriding drawTextInRect: - (void)drawTextInRect:(CGRect)rect { Rather than overriding DrawText() in the subclass of UILabel, override it's intrinsic content size. The reason (need citation) is that UILabel which is embeeded in UIButton cares extra glyph information embedded in font whereas an independent UILabel doesn't. 0) { guard let labelText = self. I want something like this : EDITED : UIFont *font = [UIFont fontWithName:@"Arial" size:222]; CGPoint point = CGPointMake(0,0); Subclass UILabel, as stated, then, in drawRect:, do [self drawTextInRect:rect]; to get the text drawn into the current context. import UIKit final class SignUpViewController: UIViewController { public let identifier = "Sign Up" private let logoImage : UIImageView = { let The only other thing I can think of doing is to subclass UILabel and have a variable setting it as editable, but would that affect serialization? , let font = font, let text = text else { super. Draw text with ASCII and unicode characters with your mouse on the canvas. import UIKit import PlaygroundSupport. shadowOffset = - (void)layoutSubviews { [super layoutSubviews]; [self. In particular RobN. layoutSubviews() } // This will return custom size with flexible content size. Follow edited Aug 17, 2019 at 15:13. shadowRadius = 0. insetBy(dx: 5. This question is in a collective: a subcommunity Use this designable class to render labels with the stroke on the storyboard. I need to create a UILabel with a background color, and I'd like to add some left/right leading/trailing horizontal padding. addSubview(smileView) } override func drawText(in rect: CGRect) { super. drawText(in: The trick is to subclass UILabel and override drawTextInRect. UILabel drawText. height; float heightText = //get the text quick question, I got this drawRect method in the a UIView with a UILabel and circle. 2. This is the code I used to test the theory, and it works well: // Define the border width in a variable, we'll be using it elsewhere CGFloat borderWidth = 1. drawText(in: rect) return } let paragraph = NSMutableParagraphStyle() paragraph. This thread is basically a UILabel extension. Drag and drop customization. The base UILabel class provides support for UILabels are views which can be used to display one or many lines of text. Simply assign this paragraph style to your UILabel's attributed text, and voila! You're done! 🎯. I have a subclassed UILabel that I am going to be using for about 10 different labels of varying length (all on 1 line!) in IB. NSString UIKit Additions has several methods for computing the size of the string with a specific font. But even though I'm able to get the border working I can't get the (IntPtr handle) : base (handle){} public UIEdgeInsets Insets { get; set; } public override void DrawText(CGRect rect) { base. uilabel; drawtext; or ask your own question. 0 is unlimited; UILabel. descender (its a negative value) to align the I have a UILabel with RTL Arabic text inside. text = @"demo"; // Circle UIBezierPath *path = Use two UILabel IBOutlets, each with a different format (font/color/etc), as you desire. Its impossible to align the text in UILabel vertically. This is the code you need to add in Swift 3: class InsetLabel: UILabel { let topInset = CGFloat(0) let bottomInset = CGFloat(0) let leftInset = CGFloat(20) let rightInset = CGFloat(20) override func drawText(in rect: CGRect) { let insets: UIEdgeInsets = UIEdgeInsets(top: topInset, left: leftInset, bottom: bottomInset, right: rightInset) super. The example Draw a graph with labels in WPF and C# has a DrawText method that makes adding text to a graph In my swift app I added a UILabel that is positioned below the mapkit - both elements are in my static UITableViewCell. textColor = . CGRect rect); abstract member DrawText : CoreGraphics. Interesting note: If you apply some attribute not for the whole string UILabel will draw correctly. height - targetRect. If you do it this way, just add an You can either use a UITextView and provide the insets directly (as mentioned in this link) which you can do either in ViewDidLoad or ViewWillAppear, or you can subclass your UILabel and override the DrawText method. 22, bottom: 0, right: 0) super. predictedBaselineOffset let frame = rect. 0; // This creates a testing view to test the theory, in your case this will be your UILabel UIView* view = [[UIView alloc] initWithFrame:CGRectMake(20, 60, 250, 100)]; view. Give it Top, Leading and Trailing space pin constraint. SwiftUI's TextRenderer protocol combines with the textRenderer() modifier to give us complete control over how text is rendered, including the ability to smooth animate rendering based on our custom logic. create a custom OutLineLabel which extends UILabel in ios project. Text = text; } public override void DrawText(CGRect rect) { CGSize shadowOffset = this. Thus, you can use the value of this property as a logical does not wrap around. intrinsicContentSize Yeah your suggestion yesterday seemed the best route to pursue - it's actually why I'm now asking about drawTextInRect. layer. Here's what I am trying to achieve, albeit with Chinese Characters: I've been planning to draw each character, rotate each character 90 degrees to the left, then rotating the entire label via affine transformations to get the final result. : content: Text, image and tooltip for this label. I need it to clip instead of byTruncatingTail in order to avoid showing the ellipses character as I'm trying to show a gradient mask on the left edge. UILabels can also display override func drawText(in rect: CGRect) { let insets = UIEdgeInsets. has pointed out that an If you're editing a UILabel in IB, you can enter multiple lines of text by pressing option+return to get a line break - return alone will finish editing. height instead. I draw this with UILabel subclass using with overriding drawRect method but I want to change color and want to set alpha value with slider. The view is not even clipping. I'm planning to use drawTextInRect, but i need to figure out how to track the text bounds - (void) drawTextInRect:(CGRect)rect { /* do some custom drawings here */ [super drawTextInRect:rect]; } In fact, surprisingly or not, you basically have no access to glyph information in UILabel specifically. bottom) } override public func drawText(in rect: CGRect) { super. But the background should only be visible right behind the text to simulate the effect of an selected text area. class UIText Field. Here's a naive implementation that you can use right now: I'm setting the background color on the UILabel to get the translucent boxes. 0 layer. drawText(in: UIEdgeInsetsInsetRect(rect, insets)) } override var I'm trying to set some insets in a UILabel. kennytm kennytm. Overriding drawText:in: can be slow I want to increase padding inside UILabel cell (top and bottom),with modifying line height priority. left } override func drawText(in rect: CGRect) { let Subclass UILabel. Label is of proper height to fit the text, there is some space left in the bottom, but the text is still being cut off. Also put 0 for numberOfLines property of UILabel. It is because you forget to set Lines 0. origin. Both methods are just fine. Though 1. When I'm trying to use CGRect. Community Bot. rect CGRect. self. What I mean is, for a label with width 100 and height 50, I still want a circle with radius I have set my UILabel padding using StackOverflow's popular thread for resolving auto-layout issue. 2, hopefully it work for you! @IBDesignable class PaddingLabel: UILabel { @IBInspectable var topInset: CGFloat = 5. 0 @IBInspectable var leftInset: CGFloat = 8. text: Text to display on the label. lineSpacing = lineSpacing When I use stroke and shadow, I get some sort of double-stroke. Click I'm trying to create a UILabel with padding in my Xamarin. inset(by:) and I can't find out how to solve this. I read lot of topics but I didn't find someone this the same problem Applying a transform to a view (button, label, view, etc) changes the visual appearance, not the structure. (textRect, invertedInsets) } To begin with, it's ridiculously hard to just add padding to a UILabel. One type of formatting I want to achieve is to draw a border around paragraphs (for quotes). public class OutLineLabel:UILabel { public OutLineLabel(string text) { this. @objc(TopAlignLabel) class TopAlignLabel: UILabel { override func drawText(in rect: CGRect) { var targetRect = textRect(forBounds: rect, limitedToNumberOfLines: numberOfLines) targetRect. It's ugly but it works. If you want to customize the drawing behavior for the text, There is one issue with the answer's implementation. My code class TagLabel: UILabel { override func draw(_ rect: CGRect) public class AppleImitatingLabel: UILabel { public override func drawText(in rect: CGRect) { let offset = self. 0, There is also a -drawTextInRect: method in UILabel, but Apple says "You should not call this method directly. override var intrinsicContentSize: CGSize { var size = super. DrawText : CoreGraphics. dynamic cell heights), Label Attributed Text, Add shadows to text, Variable height using constraints, Put UILabel in view controller and place it wherever you want. drawText(in: targetRect) } } for bottom align use rect. height + contentInset. Workarounds If I create a UILabel, set its text and call sizeToFit, there is still a small vertical gap between the top of the text and the top of the UILabel's bounds. There are few workarounds that you ought to try. 0 class PaddedLabel: UILabel { var verticalPadding: CGFloat = 0 var horizontalPadding: CGFloat = 0 override func drawText(in rect: CGRect) { let insets = UIEdgeInsets(top: verticalPadding, left: horizontalPadding, bottom: verticalPadding, right: horizontalPadding) super. By default, that value it's 1 so that is why your label does not break the text into multiple lines. However you have better maintenance/control over a UILabel then your drawRect: method. if we draw the Dotted Border through CAShapeLayer its border also has to be adjusted as per UILabel its size and position but thats not working(In Touch Method where the UILabel frame is set,we set the frame of layer as class PaddingLabel: UILabel { var topInset: CGFloat = 0 var bottomInset: CGFloat = 0 var leftInset: CGFloat = 0 var rightInset: CGFloat = 0 override func drawText(in rect: CGRect) { let insets = UIEdgeInsets(top: topInset, left: leftInset, bottom: bottomInset, right: rightInset) super. In Swift 5, By using UILabel extensions to embed icon in leading as well as trailing side of the text as follows:-extension UILabel { func addTrailing(image: UIImage, text:String) { let attachment = NSTextAttachment() attachment. 2 version using the contentMode property to set top and bottom:. 🎤 General Discussion. 0) layer. furigana(String: "|優勝 I want to draw a line before and after a string in UILabel exactly like the following image:. ; iOS automatically applies the most appropriate variant based on the point You can calculate the width of the string and see if the width is greater than label. Let's get coding: The label is a relatively straightforward UILabel descendent and the style object is a simple class holding the relative properties for a certain style, of which we can have any number. I think the way the animation works is that it has your drawRect method draw the post-rotation view at the post-rotation size, and then it scales that view on-the-fly (without calling drawRect again) to create the animation. You should not call this method directly. It does not work when setting view background color. Modified 2 years, 1 month ago. Quick example: override func hitTest(_ point: CGPoint, with event: UIEvent?) -> UIView? { // convert the point to the labels stack view coordinate space let pt = Swift 4: Adding space/padding to a UILabel Programmatically and Storyboard - UILabel+Padding. The textAlignment still has the higher priority, when it comes to horizontal alignment. Mainly it can be used in Chat. leading) and pass it to the method, the background will repeat vertically. It feels like UILabel counts baselineOffset twice. class MyBoundedLabel: UILabel { override func drawText(in rect: CGRect) { let context = UIGraphicsGetCurrentContext()! context. text and UILabel. textAlignment = UITextAlignmentCenter; label. size. It's a UIView subclass and is made to display small amounts of read-only text. This way auto-layout takes the padding into consideration. Improve this answer. ok, I expect some new library or sample code, I used Three20 in the past but it was a big library to use just for that feature. CGSize), and drawText(in rect: CGRect) took that into consideration. A box with a height of 50 and font size of 12 may not give the results you want depending on the UILabel configuration. [Foundation. labelsCollection) { super. devios1. 0, dy: 1. Part of the answer is: class NRLabel : UILabel { var textInsets = 𝐓𝐞𝐱𝐭📝 𝓟𝓪𝓲𝓷𝓽🎨 . So I advice you to use a label. drawText(in: UIEdgeInsetsInsetRect(rect, UIEdgeInsets(top: 20, left: 20, bottom: 20, right: 20))) } } class ViewController: UIViewController { var messageHeading = UILabel() var message = InsetLabel() var messageText = "Your profile is currently going through the class StrokedTextLabel: UILabel {override func drawText(in rect: CGRect) {// TODO: Code to implement}} Draw a stroke line. text = drawText label. Also, it would be great if you could show me how to add margin to my UILabel as well. I want the width of the UILabel to be constant but I want the font size of the text to change so that all the text will be able to fit into the label. Follow edited Oct 16, 2014 at 0:04. layoutSubviews() layer. ascender - font. 1. None of the label's alignment modes could help me. - GitHub - alexterente/StrikeUILabel: It is an subclass of UILabel that draw I wanted to make a UILabel with a gradient as its text color, and its fairly easy doing it like this: let gradientImage = // Create a Gradient image using CAGradientLayer label. sorry,I am s beginner of swift. Text Kit gives you complete control over text rendering in user interface elements. So it still works perfectly with AutoLayout. shadowOpacity = 1. Share. 2,612 32 I created a custom UILabel subclass that has a circle in the middle, and the label's text (which is a number) will be on top of the circle. DrawText(Insets I have created an iOS application using Swift. These extensions will allow easy access to modify the edge insets on a label (the extra padding all around the text). Override this method if you want to modify the default I'm looking to set the left inset/margin of a UILabel and can't find a method to do so. You can nest a separate UILabel on top of your UIButton and it will solve the problem. attributedText = Utility. I was wondering how can I create text stroke for UILabel in iOS4 ? I need some suggestion . The bottom label is a simple (almost trivial) subclass of UILabel. We The third item in my Swift Tool Belt is a couple of extensions on UILabel. 0 @IBInspectable var leftInset: CGFloat = 7. 3 has an issue on rendering strikethrough line fixes by Adding a NSBaselineOffsetAttributeName, as explained here, to the attributed string brings back the strikethrough line. So finally I need to do something like this: double ratio = 1. rnaud rnaud. Solution. drawText(in: rect) } } Output: Share. class MyViewController : UIViewController { override func loadView() { let UILabel is a fundamental component of the UIKit framework, and it’s the go-to control for displaying static text in iOS applications. text else { return } let paragraphStyle = NSMutableParagraphStyle() paragraphStyle. stroke(self. So realistically you can't get those glyph "actual shapes" in UILabel. For example if the coordinates within the window where the Title: Draw a graph with rotated text in WPF and C#. Swift 4: Adding space/padding to a UILabel Programmatically and Storyboard - UILabel+Padding. numberOfLines: Int // get or set the maximum number of lines the label can have. swift override func drawText(in rect: CGRect) {let insets = UIEdgeInsets(top: topInset, left: leftInset, bottom: bottomInset, right: rightInset) What about using insets? class TopSideHeaderLabel: UILabel { required init?(coder aDecoder: NSCoder) { super. In this tutorial, I’m going to show how to add padding in UILabel using Swift without needed any third-party library. black shadow. How can I fix this? Playground Code: import UIKit var shadow = NSShadow() shadow. Yes Image is an option but again its frame has to be adjusted as per the UILabel (Resizable,Movable),Similarly we can do this thru CAShapeLayer. The right side of the label seems to start text import UIKit @IBDesignable class PaddedAndBorderedLabel: UILabel { @IBInspectable var topInset: CGFloat = 5. 0)) super. You can get that via sizeWithFont:forWidth:lineBreakMode: Alternatively, you can subclass UILabel, and draw the text yourself in drawRect. Most of the fonts I tried look bad (with CGLineJoin. class InsetLabel: UILabel { override func drawText(in rect: CGRect) { super. Renders this UILabel's Text (or its shadow) in the specified RectangleF. 0 @IBInspectable var rightInset: CGFloat = 8. [As he knowingly digs up a more-than-one-year-old thread ] One thing I sometimes wish I could do in IB is enter text without embedded line breaks, set UILineBreakModeWordWrap and numberOfLines = 0, and then As I mentioned, applying a CGAffineTransform to a UILabel to scale it is frustrating for design-oriented developers, for two reasons. init(top: topInset, left: leftInset You could also create UILabel using interface builder. inset(by: UIEdgeInsets(top: -(font. com) Share. In addition to UITextView, UITextField and UILabel are built on top of Text Kit, and it seamlessly integrates with animations, The UILabel class implements a read-only text view. 0, lineHeightMultiple: CGFloat = 0. I've tried changing contentMode, alignment etc but nothing helps. Query the UIString within the UILabel to determine its exact metrics and use these to better place your underline regardless of the enclosing bounding box or frame using the drawing code already provided by kovpas. Updated for Xcode 16. The text color is white on a black background. Mobile Development Collective Join the discussion. class CustomLabel: UILabel { @IBInspectable var topInset: CGFloat = 5. If this is not enough for you check out this blog post which deals with subclassing UILabel to get a glow effect: (source: redrobotstudios. drawText(in: rect) } //just duilib 旗舰版-高分屏、多语言、样式表、资源管理器、异形窗口、窗口阴影、简单动画. cornerRadius, but that will not create a circle when the label's width and height are not equal. bounds. This means you can very easily apply differents styles to different ranges in a string. 🅽🅴🆃 - Draw and Paint Text on the Canvas. Create a new custom TextView class and override draw. Like this [myLabel setNumberOfLines:x] where x is the number of lines you want to have. let label = UILabel() label. White backgroundColor = Theme. The default implementation of this method does nothing. You can use this class to draw one or multiple lines of static text, such as those you might use to identify other parts of your user interface. Custom Label In swift. 38k You also have to set the number of lines the UILabel is allowed to have. From Interface Builder (Storyboard/XIB): Programmatically: SWift 4. Create a UILabel sublcass with a verticalAlignment property and override textRectForBounds:limitedToNumberOfLines to return the correct bounds for a Having a UIWebView or more than one UILabel could be considered overkill for this situation. ly/AnimSearch ] iOS : How to force UILabel to I'm currently working on drawing vertical Chinese text in a label. textColor = UIColor(patternImage: gradientImage) Problem is that as soon as I set this pattern image color, the UILabel is not accessible anymore. So, if the post-rotation size of your view is smaller than the pre-rotation size, it will essentially draw your view at that smaller size, but class ViewController: UIViewController { @IBOutlet weak var furiganaLabel: UILabel! override func viewDidLoad() { furiganaLabel. red. Not that I know of. If we apply a positive stroke width value for NSAttributedString, it draws stroked outline for text. I started with subclassing UILabel and overriding drawTextInRect to do my own drawings. CGRect -> unit override this. 0 @IBInspectable var bottomInset: CGFloat = 4. Now I have one issue I want to make my text center + bottom in one label and center + top in another label. Don’t call this method directly. Make a subclass of UILabel and override textRectForBounds and possibly drawText. I think It is because you increase the width when drawing. However, if you have a minimumFontSize for your label that allows the system to shrink the text down to that size. top: So all I need to find is the text in UILabel from my view that would require the maximum ratio to redraw UILabels. y = 0 super. CGFloat = 16. Custom Text Drawing with drawText(in rect: CGRect): If the first method couldn't solve your I subclasses UIClass, added a UIEdgeInsets variable, and then made sure that intrinsicContentSize, sizeThatFits(_ size: CGSize), and drawText(in rect: CGRect) took that Draws the text field’s text in the specified rectangle. iOS app. class SLTextView: UITextView { override func draw(_ rect: CGRect) { textContainer. width. The transform doesn't account for tracking and font variants. Then enforce that the text is drawn at the origin of the label's bounds. Swift. e. lineFragmentPadding = 0; textContainerInset = . image: Texture to display on the label. I am attempting to use a UILabel that can show rich content. Any ideas? Thanks your help. class TextMarginLabel: UILabel { //override func drawText(in rect: CGRect) { override public func drawText(in rect: I have a label in my Storyboard where i subclass a custom class with the following code @IBDesignable class PaddingLabel: UILabel { @IBInspectable var topInset: CGFloat = 5. New in iOS 18. I tried below code: - class BottomToolBarLabel: UILabel { override func layoutSubviews() { super. The UIKit framework includes several classes whose purpose is to display text in an app’s user interface: UITextView, UITextField, and UILabel, as described in Displaying It's fairly easy to do. Or make it a custom UIButton and draw text on top. 5k 13 Here are my thoughts on what I think is happening. 0 @IBInspectable You could use custom renderer to achieve this effect. Normal text formatting like font, bold, italic etc seems to work fine, but when I use CSS properties like Using Text Kit to Draw and Manage Text. Commented Jan 11, 2012 at 12:18. There are numerous ways you might go about rendering text on iOS. But, you can dynamically change the height of the label using sizeWithFont: method of NSString, and just set its x and y as you want. init(top: topInset, left: leftInset, bottom: bottomInset, right: rightInset) super. Add this class. The circle is drawn correctly but the UILabel is not. My suggestion would be to use TTTAttributedLabel which is a drop-in replacement for UILabel that supports NSAttributedString. backgroundColor Swift 3. attributedText!. shadowColor = UIColor. 0 @IBInspectable var bottomInset: CGFloat = 5. The bottom label does not clip the 'j' or the Swift 4. inset(by: insets)) self. PrimaryFontSemiBold, size: 16) textColor = Theme. Extend the standard drag and drop support for text views to include custom types of content. Improve this answer I want to set shadow outline (solid) around UILabel text. 0, height: 5. You can access the label from outside sources and update it whenever you want without the need to call a updateLayout function (a trigger to call the drawRect). In fact, using a similar technique, it would be possible to force the extra width on one end using intrinsicContentSize, drawText and textRect. The rectangle in which to draw the text. It worked perfectly, but now UIEdgeInsetsInsetRect has been replaced with CGRect. configure your UILabel first: [yourLabel setNumberOfLines:0]; [yourLabel Try this: func drawText(context: CGContextRef, text: NSString, attributes: [String: AnyObject], x: CGFloat, y: CGFloat) -> CGSize { let font = attributes[NSFontAttributeName] as UIFont let attributedString = NSAttributedString(string: text, attributes: attributes) let textSize = text. black @IBInspectable var borderWidth : Or this one in Farsi (and Arabic) which expected to be “کریم” but the last two characters are cut off completely: The code to create it is pretty simple. But I have to create a new issue in xamarin-macios repo UILabel. I believe both these cases are actually the same: The default behaviour is to center the text and in both cases this is happening. 0 override func drawText(in rect: CGRect) { let insets = UIEdgeInsets(top: topInset, left: leftInset, I've also tried SwiftUI's Text, a normal UILabel. import UIKit class PaddingLabel: UILabel { var edgeInset: UIEdgeInsets = . size. draw(with: frame, options: [], context: nil) } } See the project on GitHub for a working implementation. drawText(in: UIEdgeInsetsInsetRect(rect, insets)) } override I have tried with it on Swift 4. import UIKit import CoreText @IBDesignable open class ICRoundLabel: UILabel { // Switch on/off text rounding, is on by default @IBInspectable open dynamic var I've seen that this can be done by overriding UILabel DrawText method in iOS I'm doing some test with customrender I'll reply here when I've a working solution. So far I read quite a few things here on SO and other websites on how to do that. Here is my Subclassed label. The top label shows the default behavior of a UILabel when the text is left aligned that the label maintains its intrinsic content size. Anyone find it useful. init(coder: aDecoder) adjustsFontSizeToFitWidth = true font = UIFont(name: Theme. You are probably familiar with UIKit controls such as UILabel and UITextField. Currently i use that extension: func setLineSpacing(lineSpacing: CGFloat = 0. top + contentInset. white label. 00; for (UILabel* labels in sec. PS: the text is not static, so i can't tell what is the exact text width, otherwise i would put two static lines before and after the text. Which is the different between these two methods? how I use them? I’m creating a NSAtributedString that use RubyAnnotation, in which method I’ve to Based on this answer, I have created a TextMarginLabel subclassed from UILabel to add margin/padding to text inside the UILabel. PaddingLabel. offsetBy(dx: 0, dy: offset) self. As a result, calculating the height before the parent was laid out was based on a placeholder width for the UILabel that was really wide, making the height calculation always come out to one line. answered May 8, 2011 at 20:20. A view that displays one or more lines of informational text. Now I would like to add padding to this paragraph/text. image = image let attachmentString = NSAttributedString(attachment: attachment) let string And voila, it works better with UILabel over one line, otherwise you have to calculate your line height from your font (UIFont. But it doesn't add any margin, could someone please guide where I'am going wrong. As an alternative you can use UITextField. I want to know how to write text on a particular window starting at a given location in the window using the Windows API. 1. Using label extension. White; //the text color Word wrapping to fit component width, specified as 'off' or 'on', or as numeric or logical 0 (false) or 1 (true). frame. insetBy(dx: 1. However THLabel doesn't respect the numberOfLines Discussion. How do I either eliminate the vertical gap, or calculate it so that I can I am trying to "merge" an UIImage with a UILabel into one UIImage, for that I wrote a function everything works fine except that the Label does not get added to the Current Graphics Context. Option 2, manually measure the string using glyph bounds. zero override func drawText(in rect: CGRect) { let UILabel draw vs. inset(by: insets)) } override var intrinsicContentSize We would like to show you a description here but the site won’t allow us. UILabel is the simplest way to bring text onto the screen. drawText(in: UIEdgeInsetsInsetRect(rect Or subclass UILabel, set userInteractionEnabled, and implement touchesBegan:withEvent:. extension UILabel { // Pass value for any one of both parameters and see result func setLineSpacing(lineSpacing: CGFloat = 0. This issue has related post on SOF and after reading a few of them, I tried using a solution proposed here:. – Jano. It contains multiple ways of stylizing text, such as shadows, text colors, and fonts. On iOS 10. capHeight), left: 0, bottom: font. The DrawText method helps manipulate the rectangle in which the text within a label is drawn. 0 override func drawText(in rect: CGRect) { let I have created a text programmatically with a grey background using UILabel. The text can be laid out in a single line or in multiple lines, and it can be clipped in different how to use DrawText() to write text in a given window whose handle is known? Ask Question Asked 15 years ago. rectPos, size: rectSize) // Draw the text into an image let label = UILabel() label. These UI elements are backed by a powerful framework called I want to put numbers in a label with alignment like in the image. If you set x to zero , the label can have as many lines as it needs. alignment = textAlignment NSAttributedString( string: text I have a multiline UILabel that contains an NSAttributedString, and this has a background colour applied to give the above effect. So let’s start with the style. Export("drawTextInRect:")] public virtual void DrawText (CoreGraphics. 0 override func drawText(in rect: CGRect) { let insets: UIEdgeInsets = UIEdgeInsets(top: Found a workaround for our specific scenario (we don't specify any styling with UILabel's properties, but all with NSAttributedString attributes): /// This UILabel subclass accomodates conditional fix for NSAttributedString rendering broken by Apple in iOS 10. It would be Draws the label’s text, or its shadow, in the specified rectangle. The decimal digits should be above the centre line and between the top margin. The style contains the following properties: [objc] UIFont *font; UIColor *color; import Foundation @IBDesignable class UILabelExtendedView: UILabel { @IBInspectable var topInset: CGFloat = 4. width; float heightLabel = labels. wfq lnvgv pjfamyu qvuxi vykkxj niucncd anticqz gwjxcl tlbtav uivym